Monday, October 1, 2007

Why Evangelicals Should Support Ron Paul...But Probably Won't

According to a WorldNetDaily report, evangelical "leaders" are not sure what to do if Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, Fred Thompson, or Mitt Romney is selected to be the Presidential nominee for the Republican Party. Apparently, they are even considering turning to a third party because the current crop of "top-tier" Republican candidates promote what is antithetical to the values of these evangelical "leaders."

Those candidates have clearly shown their weakness in character and their disdain for our constitutional republic and it is good to see the "leadership" in the evangelical community using discernment and finally taking a stand against what one-half of the establishment party fronts as a "choice."

What the evangelical "leadership" is clearly missing though, is an opportunity to endorse and support a candidate who is solidly pro-life, unmovable in his support of freedom of religion, unshakable in his opposition to hate-crime legislation, and a champion of the same Constitution that made religious liberty and freedom from government persecution possible in this country. This same man stands firm against being swayed by lobbyists and special interest groups who seek to undermine our free society's very foundation. He staunchly supports the freedom of speech, which Christians have taken for granted but use, to evangelize and proclaim the gospel from the street corner or marketplace. He firmly supports the right of the people to keep and bear arms enabling the citizenry to defend themselves and their families from criminals and tyrants. Who is this champion whom the evangelical community should support? His name is Ron Paul.

To the "leadership" of the evangelical community: Wouldn't it be nice to be able to publicly endorse or publicly criticize a government servant without having to preface the statement with "I speak as an individual and not as a leader for such and such organization"? You wouldn't have to anymore if Ron Paul were elected President enabling him to follow through with his promise to abolish the IRS. As an organization, you would not have to spend countless millions of donors' dollars on bookkeeping and documenting who gave how much so that they can write it off as a tax deduction. You would no longer have to seek government's permission to exist as a tax- exempt charity because the IRS would not exist. Imagine the freedom you would have!

It is harder to get laws changed at the federal level. No matter how much lobbying or letter writing and no matter how many phone calls are made to Congress, abortion is still allowed in every state in the Union even though it has not been "legalized" by any law. That probably will not change in our lifetime. However, if Roe vs. Wade were overturned, then states would be able to decide if abortion should be legal in their respective jurisdiction. Many states would immediately pass laws banning abortion and the evangelical community could more easily work on those states that did not. Ron Paul staunchly supports overturning Roe vs. Wade.

Ron Paul supports a state or local government's right to display the Ten Commandments.
Ron Paul supports a state's right not to recognize homosexual marriages preformed in another state.
Ron Paul wants the United States out of the ungodly, anti-Christian United Nations.
Ron Paul wants to abolish the Department of Education.

To the pastors: You are charged by God to be the shepherds and leaders of your congregations. You see the struggle many in your congregations have in making financial ends meet. If your congregations no longer had to pay Federal income tax, a massive burden on everyone, your members would be set free from a system that claims a right to a portion of their labor. Mothers would be freer to stay at home, rearing their children, because a large portion of the fathers' income would rightfully be freed from government confiscation. Churches would no longer have to keep track of tithes and offerings given to the Lord because the people would not need to worry about deducting them on their income tax filing. You would also be, once again, free to denounce or endorse from the pulpit a Hillary Clinton or George Bush or anyone else for that matter, without fear of a government agency's investigation. (More on that in a future article)

To the rest of us: Ron Paul does not pander to get votes. He has a clearly defined and well- documented set of principles from which he has not wavered. He has not, does not, or will not wear his Christianity on his sleeve in order for us to favor him over another candidate. He stands firm in his convictions and has a consistent voting record to prove it. Do you want a President of strong character, or would you rather have a President who says what we want to hear until he gets into office? Repeatedly, we as Christians are pandered to in order for a candidate to receive our vote and support.

There are many reasons why the evangelical community should support Ron Paul's candidacy, but in the end, unless the people arise from their slumber, use more logic and less emotion, and begin to understand the proper role of government as defined by the Constitution, many Christians will not support Ron Paul. Many Christians do not understand that the Constitution was designed to limit the power of the federal government and to protect the citizens from government's trampling on our God-given rights. They do not understand that our constitution proclaimed that we, "the people," are the governing authorities and that we elect representatives to serve us. People in office used to be called public servants but are now called officials. The people have lost control of our government, but Ron Paul has committed himself to restoring the government to its constitutionally limited boundaries.

Christians today do not properly understand the role of the Church. We have been led to believe that it is more important to object and protest the various agendas, rather than to proclaim the gospel and lovingly call sinners to repentance. The Church needs to return to effecting change in our society through the preaching of God's Word and the proclamation of the Gospel. Lately, we have become more known for the things we oppose when we should be known for our love and good works. America's beginnings were great because the people feared God and elected representatives who would fear God and the people. We now have people who do not fear God and elect representatives who turn the government against the people and now the people fear the government.

Many Christians rely upon the so-called "leaders" of evangelical organizations to inform them on various political happenings and do virtually no research for themselves. We tend to parrot what we have heard while listening to the radio or watching the television instead of conducting our own investigation. This is a call to my fellow Christians: please do your own research into Ron Paul with logic and not emotion. Find out where he stands on the issues and do not allow your own opinion to be swayed by someone else's ill-informed opinion. You will not find another candidate who is more open about where he stands than Ron Paul is. Honestly, seek the Lord for wisdom and discernment. Do not think in such terms as "liberal" or "conservative" anymore but judge issues based on the philosophy of freedom verses slavery.

I have said that evangelicals probably will not support Ron Paul for President. For the sake of liberty, for the sake of posterity, prove me wrong.